Tuesday, October 26, 2010

James and Miah's 14er Hike

In August James and Miah went with some friends on a 14er  hike.  They hiked Mounts Democrat, Bross, Lincoln and Cameron.  Quite the day!  It was Miah's 2nd 14er trip and James' 7th 14er trip.  It was really windy and in James' own words, "It was the windiest wind I have ever been in and I almost got blown off the mountain multiple times."  Next time you see James, ask him to show you how they had to walk while on the mountain.  It is quite entertaining.  = )

James and Miah with our friends, Micah, Noah, Caleb and Chris.

James and his buddies, Caleb and Noah.

Miah looking a little wind blown.

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