Saturday, January 15, 2011

Messiah Concert

At the beginning of December, one of the churches in Colorado Springs performed Handel's Messiah.  A couple of us Coens (Me, Sarah, David and Miah) went, along with friends Josh, Laura, Trevor, John and a few others.  It was a beautiful performance (I think that going to a Messiah concert is quickly becoming one of my favorite Christmas traditions!) and it was fun to dress up as well.  = )

L to R: John, Sarah, Miah, Laura, Me, David, Josh and Trevor

After the concert some of us went to Village Inn for a bite to eat.  The rest of the evening was filled with laughter, fun and fellowship.

John and Sarah

Laura and Miah

Trevor and David

Josh and Me


Unknown said...

That's awesome. That must of been really fun.

Nathan said...

WHOA! Josh wore a COLLARED SHIRT? And a TIE?!? I didn't know he OWNED a tie! Oh, wait. I gave him that tie. Well, it's probably the only tie he owns.

Wow. His beard is actually starting to look halfway decent these days...