Monday, January 31, 2011


On December 14th, Leah, Sarah and I along with several friends left on a road trip to Omaha.  Aunt Monica and Uncle Jon had graciously agreed to have the nine of us stay at their house (THANK YOU!).  We were excited to have a chance to visit family and friends.

On the road...
Sarah, John and Naomi

John, Noah and David

Sarah and Naomi

Ruth, Me, Leah, Sarah and Naomi

Before we left Sarah's friend Trevor asked me to give her a surprise present from him while we were traveling.  However, to get her present, she had to climb onto the car and yell at the top of her lungs, "Tomorrow is my birthday!"

Sarah was a good sport and complied with the demands.

Her reward was "World Famous Fisk Fudge".

While we were in Omaha, we went to Cabela's, a huge sporting goods store.  We had lots of fun browsing.  

Naomi, Me and Ruth

Ruth and David

Naomi and Me

Guess Who...

Little Leah in a big chair.

I'd hate to see the guy this chair was made for!  = )


Monica took good care of us while we were there and helped make Sarah's birthday extra special.

Aunt Suzanne and her kids came over to celebrate with us.  
This is Sarah with Michaela (Suzanne's oldest) and Matthew (Monica's oldest).

Naomi, David, John and Noah


One extra special blessing was that we got to meet our friend Kaley's new daughter, Ava (she's the green bundle).

Noah and Sarah

Naomi holding Ava

Sarah holding Ava

Ava was a week old when we met her.  Isn't she beautiful!  (There are more pictures of her on my photography blog, Through the Lens of Grace.)

Kaley and Ava

One of our favorite things to do while in Omaha is visit the zoo (the best zoo in the whole world).  A big THANKS to Aunt Suzanne for giving us free guest passes!
Sarah and Ruth

Back to front: Meghann, Naomi, Me, Leah, Ruth and Sarah

John, Leah, Sarah, Ruth, Noah, Naomi and Me


Naomi, Meghann, Leah, Ruth, David, Noah and John

Meghann and Me


Leah, Hannah, Sarah and John

Naomi, Leah and Me being a little weird.


Me and Ruth (Note my new boots from Cabela's!)

Sarah, Meghann, Leah, Ruth, Me and Naomi (You might notice that there was a lot of snow!)

Free gorilla rides

Me and Naomi

Naomi and I wore our turbans into the Desert Dome.

Here in the desert we are "cactus huggers" instead of "tree huggers".

John, Leah, Sarah and Naomi

Other highlights from our trip were:  a visit from Aunt Teresa and her girls, Taylor and Kennedy; a big dinner at Godfather's Pizza (another of our Omaha traditions) with Meghann's family, Aunt Monica and her family and Aunt Suzanne and her family; thrift store shopping; and tons of fun hanging out time.