Friday, March 4, 2011

Ellerslie Update -- February

Here is an email that I sent out twoish weeks ago, after I got to Ellerslie.  I will hopefully be sending out an new update soon, but thought I would share this one, even though it is a little outdated.  = )

Hello Everyone!

Well, I am at Ellerslie.  My room is settled, bags are stored and I am through my first day of orientation.  I got here around one yesterday afternoon and had a few hours to unpack and register.  I have my own room (which is really nice) and share a bathroom with two other girls.  For dinner yesterday and the beginning of orientation Ellerslie had a formal banquet.  It was beautiful and a fun way to start to get to know the rest of the students (I also enjoyed getting dressed up).  

Today was a day filled with new people, a new routine and a new anticipation for what God is going to be doing in my life.  I have very mixed emotions running through me, though.  I am homesick and missing everyone back home, I am excited to see what God teaches me and uses me to accomplish, but I am also nervous about what that process is going to look like.

Please pray that:

* I would be a willing, empty vessel before God, that He can completely fill with His Spirit.  I want my life to be completely consumed with who He is and for that to shine from me.
* I would adjust well and enjoy this time of being set apart.
* I would not be too homesick.
* My cold would go away quickly.  I feel wiped out and I know that I am going to need to be alert spiritually and physically.

All in all my pray for being here is that my Self would decrees so that God can increase.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.  They mean so much to me.  I will try to keep you guys up to date on how it's going, but if you don't hear from me very often know that I am thinking and praying for you all, as well as appreciating your support.

Blessings and love,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good idea. Looking forward to your next update!