Sunday, November 28, 2010

Caleb's 10th Birthday

After a month of our back to school schedule, we hit the
September birthday week.

Caleb turned 10 on September 19th.  He spent the morning relaxing and playing games.  He chose to go see a movie later in the day with the family and his friends Jonny and Zachy.  After the movie we enjoyed some Cold Stone ice cream.

David, Caleb and Joseph

Food, glorious food!

Nadia, Joanna and Lydia

Mr. Birthday Boy, Caleb.

Joanna and Nadia




Ice Cream!

Nadia, Lydia and Momma

Leah and Joanna

Joanna, Lydia and Nadia

Jonny, Joseph and Zachy

James and David


Lydia and Joseph

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