Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nadia's 8th Birthday

Ok, starting to plug away again on catching up.  I lost some ground because we've been really busy, but I'm back at it now.  I'm really trying to get caught up before Christmas.

On August 26 (I told you I was still really behind = P), Nadia turned 8 years old.  Our cousin Ben was here from Virginia, which made it all the more fun.  We celebrated with a pool, park and dollar-theater movie trip into town.  Nadia's friend Hannah was able to spend the day with us.  It was a marathon day, but Nadia loved it!

Nadia, the birthday girl!

Our friend Hannah, Nadia, Lydia and Joanna ready to swim.

The whirl-pool


Daddy, Lydia and Joanna

Most of the gang: Joanna, Daddy, Miah, Joseph, James and Sarah.


Joanna and Sarah

Daddy, Lydia and Miah


Caleb and David

Lydia, Momma and Joanna

Cake time!


Sarah and Me (Hannah)

Thing One and Thing Two, also known as Lydia and Joanna.

Nadia and her new bear.



(You can go to my photography blog, Through the Lens of Grace, to see more of Miah's and Sarah's portraits.)

Sarah and Daddy

Miah and Sarah

Miah, Sarah and Me

Miah and Nadia

Miah and Sarah

Nadia in her new shirt.


Miah and Kelly said...

Man! My teeth were so OFF! =) They sure look better now! =P -Miah

Miah said...

Man! My teeth were way OFF! I defiantly look better now! =P =) -Miah