Monday, January 31, 2011

Christmas Begins...

Our Christmas officially begins on Christmas Eve with one gift -- Christmas pajamas.  Here we all are decked out.

The Geigers surprised us with a visit and a gift -- a cool, homemade chess/checkers table.  It was a huge hit and has gotten used whenever anyone is free to play.

Christmas Day is for snuggling...



Caleb's birth dad and family sent presents as well.

Abba, Ima and Aunt Marnie came out to join us for our traditional Christmas brunch.  (We save the turkey dinner for a few days later.)

Swedish Tea Rings (Yum!), a brunch favorite.

Nadia getting the drinks ready.

Stuffed Mushrooms, Grandma Janey's raw specialty.

Our centerpiece was a gift from a friend, Dan, who is a local contractor.

After our feast, more presents.

Ima and Aunt Marnie

Momma loves chocolate (she couldn't smile because she had chocolate in her teeth).

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