Friday, January 14, 2011

Meet Gizmo and Gadget

This fall there was a momma cat wandering around the neighborhood.  She decided that our barn looked like a good place to have her four kittens, but after having the kittens she moved them up under our cottage.  Unfortunately two of the kittens didn't make it.  
I had been watching them for a couple of days when I noticed that I had not seen the momma and one of the remaining kittens for a while.  I then concocted a plan to nab the kitten and keep it as a pet (I had wanted a kitten for a while).  I bought some food and started setting it out to get the kitten more comfortable with coming out from under the cottage.  After I had set out the food the momma and the other kitten started coming out again.  I thought, "Great!  I can have two kittens and they can keep each other company!"   After a couple of unsuccessful tries to grab the kittens, the perfect moment arrived and I grab one.  She was so small and skinny and very scared.  Thankfully, though, she was very sweet and just let me hold her.  After making her a little home in a bucket in my room, I started trying to catch the other kitten.  It took me the whole afternoon, but finally I was able to grab him.  Now, I was expecting for him to act like his sister, nice and docile.  He had other ideas.  As soon as I grabbed him he started yowling, biting, scratching and trying really hard to get away.  I wrapped him in a sweater as quickly as I could and got him to let go of my finger, then I put him in the bucket with his sister.  He would growl and hiss anytime I got close, but after about a week of him attacking my hand every time I picked him up or fed him, he calmed down and has turned into a sweet little cat (actually more cuddly then his sister).  They now have the run of my room and are lots of fun to watch.  Trooper has been really good with them, but still follows them anytime he is in the room.

I have been thinking about the experience and how similar it is to our relationship with God.  God knows all, sees all and wants us to be safe and whole in Him.  Instead of letting Him pick us up and save us, we fight against Him with everything that we have.  But our loving Father does not just send us away, He works with us, He holds us and He shows us His love through everything in our lives.  Finally, we come to an understanding that He really does know what's best and that we can trust Him.  And when we do we find a peace that passes understanding and a safety that nothing can compare to.  Let God direct you and give Him full control in your life.  You'll never be sorry!

Gadget (boy) and Gizmo (girl)

Gizmo ~ A little sassy at times, loves to curl up with you, adventuresome ("Why should I be afraid of the unknown or some little vacuum") and basically runs the show.

Gadget ~ Kind of a scaredy cat, but when he's comfortable he gives Gizmo a run for her money, can't get enough love, attention and warm blankets.

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