Friday, February 4, 2011

YMCA of the Rockies Getaway - Part 2 - Skiing!

This year was a big year for most of the kids.  Nadia, Lydia and Joanna all learned to ski; Joseph, Caleb, Miah and James all learned to snowboard.  The weather was great, which made the learning/teaching experience way more fun!  Everyone caught on really quickly and even after a full day of skiing were ready to swim when we got back to the YMCA.

Here are the little girls all ready to learn.


David learned to snowboard last year and this year really improved his skills.

Miah helping Joseph with his bindings.

Joanna learning to stop.

Lydia, Daddy and Joanna

Me and Sarah

Here are Daddy and me with the little girls on their first trip to the top of the bunny hill.  I buddied up with Joanna and had a blast teaching her!

By after lunch everyone was ready to head up the big mountain.  Isn't God's creation beautiful!

Joanna and me on the big lift for the first time.  She was a little nervous but settled in quickly.




Me and Nadia on our way up again.

The group getting ready to head down the hill.

Leah and Lydia picking up some extra speed.

Here we go!

Miah taking a quick break.



Miah and Me (Yes, we're on the lift again.  Taking pictures is a great way to pass the time.  = D)


After a couple of runs on the big hill the little people were ready to head back to the bunny hill.

Joanna and Lydia heading up the bunny hill on their own.


While the little people were on the bunny hill, I branched off with a couple of the older kids to do a few fast runs.





Lydia, Joanna and Nadia

The boy snowboarders: James, David, Caleb and Joseph

All the snowboarders: Miah, James, Sarah, David, Caleb and Joseph

The older group of snowboarders: James, Miah, David and Sarah

All the Coen Kids
Back, L to R: Leah, James, Miah, David, Sarah and Me
Front, L to R: Lydia, Caleb, Joseph, Nadia and Joanna

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That looked super fun. So apparently when you go to the YMCA @ the Rockies, you don't just ski... you also do basketball court-y type things...

Actually, I don't think I knew you could go there for any other reason than as a camp-y type thing.

But it looked fun!