Thursday, February 3, 2011

YMCA of the Rockies Getaway - Part 1

For Christmas our family received money from extended family members that allowed us to take a trip up to the mountains.  We stayed at the YMCA of the Rockies, 10 minutes away from the ski resort we were planning on going to.  The plan was to stay two nights and ski one day, but due to weather we ended up staying an extra night.  This meant we were able to enjoy the YMCA facilities for longer.  When we weren't skiing we were playing basketball, volleyball, swimming, tubing, ice skating, roller skating, wave boarding (or trying too = P), walking, playing chess, and some of us even had time to relax.  It was great to spend some time as a family and our mini vacation was a huge success!  Thanks to everyone who contributed and made it possible.

James and Miah showing off their skills (they can actually wave board unlike some of us. = D)



James gave Joanna a special ride.


It's always more fun to skate with people.  (Momma, Nadia and Lydia)

David is also an expert wave boarder.

Skating can be romantic, but with children whizzing by...

Leah learning to wave board.  She was catching on by the time we left.

I tried my feet at wave boarding and didn't really get it, but I had a great time trying.  = )

The basketball and volley ball courts were used often.
As you can see, we practically had the place to ourselves.
It was wonderful!

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