Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Extended Family Christmas

One of the best parts of Christmas is having lots of time to spend with family.  The Monday after Christmas we went into Abba and Ima's to see Aunt Judy and Aunt Marnie.  Most years, Daddy's sister, Jenny and her husband Kevin and there family join us, but sadly this year they were not able to.  

One of Abba's favorite traditions is a treasure hunt for the kids.

Joanna, Sarah, Joseph, David, Caleb and James
thinking about a clue.

Daddy and Aunt Judy were glad they
did not have to figure out the clues.  = )

Lydia and Nadia

Grandpa Bob and Miah

Momma braiding Miah's hair

More presents!

Grandma Janey and Joanna

Nadia and Aunt Marnie

Ima and Abba

I really was having a great time 
contrary to what the picture looks like.  = )

Sarah and David

Lydia, Nadia and Joanna

Momma and Sarah

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